Herbal Sunday Workshop: Both Sections

Herbs have been helping us stay healthy for thousands of years. Join these expert herbalists to learn how plants can be used for medicine and self-care.
12:30-2 pm: Elderberry Syrup
Corrina Wainwright | NYBG | 253WEL130B
Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, elderberry fruits and flowers have been used across cultures for centuries to prevent colds and flus, treat fevers, and tame inflammation. Delve into the many healing properties of this commonly used medicinal plant while making a 3 oz. bottle of elderberry syrup to take home.
3-4:30 pm: Herbal Teas and Infusions
Arvolyn Hill | NYBG | 253WEL130C
Herbal healing can be as simple as a cup of tea! We'll dive into the medicinal qualities and uses of easy-to-find herbs, and how to combine their roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds into effective, pleasing blends.
Additional Sessions Available
There are currently no other sections available.