Landscape Design: Intro Classes & Workshops


Gain an understanding of the principles of pollination and learn how to create landscapes that attract a diversity of pollinators. In this class, you'll review pollinator ecology and the varied types of pollinators in the northeast region; explore native plant more...
251HRT125 07/27 Sa 10:00am-1:00pm Eierman, EcoBeneficial


Gain an introduction to the terminology, concepts, and basic principles of landscape design through lectures and simple two-dimensional exercises. This course is recommended for students with little or no background in design who want to design for their own home more...
251LAN100CO 08/06 Tu 6:00pm-8:00pm Arrington

"Travel the globe" during this survey of European, American, Chinese, Japanese, and Islamic garden traditions, while exploring a wide range of iconic examples—from private gardens to public parks.
251PLT100A 08/07   Merritt

Fundamentally change the way you view natural landscapes by learning about the complex factors that inform which plants grow in what combinations. Understanding how and why these plant communities form will help you design beautiful landscapes that are more resilient, more...
251HRT353BBL 08/08 Th 6:00pm-7:30pm Nolan

This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
251BOT308CO 08/13 Tu 5:30pm-7:30pm Bucuvalas
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