Instructor: Leslie Day

Leslie Day
A science educator for twenty years with a doctorate in science education from Columbia University, Leslie Day is a New York City naturalist and the author of Field Guide to the Natural World of New York City, Field Guide to the Street Trees of New York City, Field Guide to the Neighborhood, Birds of New York City, and her latest book Honeybee Hotel: the Waldorf Astoria's Roof Garden and the Heart of New York City.

Classes by this instructor

This user-friendly intro course surveys the major plant groups-flowering plants, conifers, ferns, and bryophytes-focusing on their form and structure. Become botanically literate and gain practical experience in dissecting and analyzing plant structures.
251HRT300CO 09/10 Tu 10:30am-12:30pm Day
252HRT300BO 10/19 Sa 10:30am-12:30pm Day

Examine the enormous variety of forms and structural adaptations of flowering plants—the world's dominant plant group. Through lectures, demonstrations, and laboratory studies, learn to recognize and draw the many plant parts and growth stages of the most common plant families. more...
251BIL300AO 09/25 We 10:30am-1:00pm Day