Gardening Certificate Requirements

The NYBG Gardening Certificate Program provides in depth courses on sustainable gardening techniques, soil science, plant propagation, and garden maintenance design for the home gardener. Regional experts guide you through the art and science of plant selection and care for home or small-scale residential/urban/community gardens and greening projects.

Students who are pursuing a Certificate must complete 187 total course hours (164 required + 23 elective). Browse this page to discover what required courses are currently scheduled.


This user-friendly intro course surveys the major plant groups-flowering plants, conifers, ferns, and bryophytes-focusing on their form and structure. Become botanically literate and gain practical experience in dissecting and analyzing plant structures.
244HRT300D 05/01 We 5:00pm-7:15pm Finley

Explore the basics of successful, environmentally friendly gardening. Topics include soils and their improvement, seed sowing, vegetative propagation, planting, pruning, watering, weeding, mulching, and disease and pest control. This course is also required for the Horticultural Therapy Certificate.
244GAR301B 05/16 Th 10:00am-12:00pm Davis

Choose the right plant for the right place, based on site-specific design and maintenance criteria. Learn landscape values such as size, texture, color, and flowering and fruiting seasons. Review trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, and perennials suitable for this region.
244HRT358D 05/17 Fr 10:00am-12:40pm Simeone

Learn sustainable garden and landscape maintenance techniques, including planting methods, plant care, and maintenance regimens for trees, shrubs, lawn, and perennial gardens. Discuss site analysis and plant selection, organic gardening practices, and how to create a calendar of landscape and more...
244GAR440 05/21 Tu 4:30pm-7:30pm Weinstein

Learn principles and techniques of plant propagation by seed and cuttings. Explore basic sexual and asexual propagation, focusing on fruit development, seedling production, root initiation, stem and leaf cuttings, and layering.
244HRT411A 05/23 Th 5:30pm-8:30pm Weinstein


Choose the right plant for the right place, based on site-specific design and maintenance criteria. Learn landscape values such as size, texture, color, and flowering and fruiting seasons. Review trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, and perennials suitable for this region.
244HRT358E 06/01 Sa 10:00am-12:40pm D'Antonio

Explore the basics of successful, environmentally friendly gardening. Topics include soils and their improvement, seed sowing, vegetative propagation, planting, pruning, watering, weeding, mulching, and disease and pest control. This course is also required for the Horticultural Therapy Certificate.
244GAR301CO 06/11 Tu 10:00am-12:00pm Marsh

This user-friendly intro course surveys the major plant groups-flowering plants, conifers, ferns, and bryophytes-focusing on their form and structure. Become botanically literate and gain practical experience in dissecting and analyzing plant structures.
244HRT300CO 06/12 We 6:00pm-8:00pm Conaway

Learn how native plants enhance gardens and augment biodiversity. Study native herbaceous and woody plants: their identification, habitat, and culture. Hear about the significance of woodland soils, and how to promote a healthy environment to support spring ephemerals, summer perennials, more...
244GAR315B 06/15 Sa 10:00am-1:00pm Eierman, EcoBeneficial
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