Urban Naturalist Certificate Requirements

The NYBG Urban Naturalist Certificate Program equips you with the observation, identification, and documentation skills you need to become an effective environmental steward. Using NYBG grounds and select New York City Parks, you will learn to keenly observe the natural world, create scientifically useful records of your observations, and investigate the interrelationships between species. NYBG Urban Naturalists work as environmental educators, help manage invasive species in local parks, and volunteer with our EcoFlora project to help document NYC plant species.

Those in pursuit of a Certificate must complete 107 total course hours (77 required + 30 elective), plus a Field Study project. Browse this page to discover what required courses are currently scheduled.


This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
253BOT308CO 01/16 Th 5:30pm-7:30pm Holmes
253BOT308FO 01/26 Su 10:00am-12:00pm Bucuvalas


This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
253BOT308DO 02/11 Tu 5:30pm-7:30pm Holmes

Urbanization is changing biodiversity, interspecies relationships, and even animal behavior, in the tri-state area and beyond. Liz Johnson, former manager of AMNH's Metropolitan Biodiversity Program, will introduce you to the particular habitats found here, as well as plants and animals more...
253NAT338BO 02/21 Fr 10:00am-12:00pm Johnson

This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
253BOT308GO 02/23 Su 10:00am-12:00pm Bucuvalas
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