Instructor: Phyllis D'Amico

Phyllis D'Amico
Phyllis D'Amico, HTM, is a registered horticultural therapist with theAmerican Horticultural Therapy Association and has worked in the fieldfor over 25 years with children and adults of all ages and abilities. Phyllis has created an award-winning horticultural therapy program for specialneeds students at the New Jersey Regional Day School in Newark, where she is the Lead Science Teacher and Horticultural Therapist. Shespecializes in children's garden design, organic gardening, nutrition education, and community inclusion programs. Phyllis earned a Certificate in Horticultural Therapy from the Botanical Garden, where she has been an instructor for 30 years.

Classes by this instructor

Evaluate tools, equipment, structures, spaces, and techniques used by participants in therapeutic horticulture activities. Explore universal design principles and how to incorporate them into programming, activities, garden design, and tools to meet the widest range of people's needs. Design and more...
251THP406BL 07/22 Mo 6:00pm-8:00pm D'Amico

In just three weeks, complete more than 30% of the coursework required for the Certificate and gain a solid understanding of how to utilize plants, gardening, and nature to empower specific individuals and groups. All courses are offered in a more...
251THP960BL 07/08 Mo 9:00am-4:30pm D'Amico