Instructor: Pamela Davis

No image available After many years in the corporate world, I decided to pursue a career in Environmental Studies! This amazing journey has given me the opportunity to graduate from the Continuing Education Program at NYBG obtaining certificates in Gardening and Horticulture. I've had (and still have) the pleasure of empowering communities of all ages educating them through sustainable gardening and food waste management practices. I'm a passionate gardener, Master Composter, Master Food Preserver who enjoys spending time in the outdoor classroom (nature) as well as with family and friends!

Classes by this instructor

Explore the basics of successful, environmentally friendly gardening. Topics include soils and their improvement, seed sowing, vegetative propagation, planting, pruning, watering, weeding, mulching, and disease and pest control. This course is also required for the Horticultural Therapy Certificate.
251GAR301D 08/15 Th 10:00am-12:25pm Davis