Instructor: Timothy Nolan
Tim Nolan runs Gardens By Design, a landscape and garden design firm, and works as a horticultural consultant for designers, primarily in New York City and the Hudson Valley. He is certified in Sustainable Garden Design by NYBG. |
Classes by this instructor
Landscape Plants: Fall Trees and ShrubsExplore how to identify and use major groups of shade trees and shrubs native to and hardy in our region, including Acer, Quercus, and Viburnum, which are particularly ornamental in fall. |
251HRT331A | 09/14 | Sa | 11:00am-2:00pm | Nolan | NYBG |
252HRT331B | 10/16 | We | 10:00am-1:00pm | Nolan | NYBG |
Landscape Plants: Late Season Perennials and GrassesThis course is designed for horticulturists and gardeners who are familiar with the basic culture of perennials. Learn the identifying characteristics, classification, scientific and common names, and landscape uses of approximately 60 summer- and fall-blooming native and non-native perennials and more... |
251HRT338C | 09/26 | Th | 10:00am-1:00pm | Nolan | NYBG |
Plants for LandscapingChoose the right plant for the right place, based on site-specific design and maintenance criteria. Learn landscape values such as size, texture, color, and flowering and fruiting seasons. Review trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, and perennials suitable for this region. |
252HRT358A | 10/17 | Th | 2:00pm-4:40pm | Nolan | NYBG |