Introduction to Therapeutic Horticulture

Note the "Location" of each section, as we have blended and online options. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails contain specific class instructions.
Explore the theoretical foundations and evidence-based research that supports using the people-plant relationship as a therapeutic tool to improve health and well-being. Engage in hands-on activities to discover the beneficial cognitive, physical, psychological, and social-emotional impacts associated with working with plants for a wide range of service communities.

Textbooks are not included in cost.

Schedule: Online: 2 Tuesdays 3/18 & 4/1, 4-6:30 pm & ONSITE: Saturday 3/29, 9 am-2:30 pm
Only 27 days left to register!
Times: 04:00pm-06:30pm EDT
Instructor: Anne Meore Anne Meore
Location: Some sessions meet online & some at NYBG, Watson Room 319
2900 Southern Blvd
Bronx, NY 10458
Session Number: 253THP301BBL
Price Non-Member : $470.00
Member : $420.00

Additional Sessions Available