Painting Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds play a key role in the pollination of many flower types and can add lively interest to your botanical art. You'll learn the anatomy, habitat and behavior of these diminutive birds, as you practice the techniques for rendering their vivid hues in watercolor, graphite, and iridescent pigments. You'll work from photographs and video to create dynamic compositions of these birds and their host plants. Prerequisite: Botanical Watercolor I

Please note, this course requires the purchase of materials. Please refer to the materials list linked below for more information.

Schedule: Every week on Friday, starting on 03/07/25 and ending on 03/28/25
Only 16 days left to register!
Times: 11:00am-02:00pm EST
Instructor: Dorie Petrochko Dorie Petrochko
Location: Online-Live,

Session Number: 253BIL346O
Price Member : $295.00
Non-Member : $325.00
Waitlist: $0.00
Materials List:
Click here for materials list (BIL346O) (PDF Document)
Prerequisite(s): Botanical Watercolor I
By signing up for this course, you acknowledge that you have successfully completed the necessary prerequisite(s).
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