Soil Science II: Chemistry and Nutrition

Note the "Location" below which indicates if a particular class meets online or in person. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails will contain specific logistics.
Go beyond basic soil chemistry and examine how a soil's pH affects what nutrients are available to plants. Explore the ionic exchange capacities of soil, the complex nitrogen cycle, and the effects of composted soil amendments and fertilizers. Discover how soil and plant tissue tests can help monitor plant nutrition and health. Required Text:
Plaster, Edward J., Soil Science and Management, 5th Edition
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning, Inc.

Schedule: Every week on Wednesday, starting on 03/26/25 and ending on 05/07/25
Times: 11:00am-02:00pm EDT
Instructor: George Lozefski George Lozefski
Location: NYBG, Watson Room 315
2900 Southern Blvd
Bronx, NY 10458
Session Number: 253HRT302
Price Non-Member (Includes Materials) : $470.00
Member (Includes Materials) : $420.00
Prerequisite(s): Soil Science I: Physical Properties
By signing up for this course, you acknowledge that you have successfully completed the necessary prerequisite(s).

Additional Sessions Available
There are currently no other sections available.