Introduction to Urban Ecology

Note the "Location" below which indicates if a particular class meets online or in person. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails will contain specific logistics.
Urbanization is changing biodiversity, interspecies relationships, and even animal behavior, in the tri-state area and beyond. Liz Johnson, former manager of AMNH's Metropolitan Biodiversity Program, will introduce you to the particular habitats found here, as well as plants and animals common to each. She'll also reveal why certain species of flora and fauna (like the new genus of centipede she and K. Catley discovered in Central Park!) thrive in our highly altered, fragmented urban environment, while others do not, and what this means for our collective future.

Schedule: Every week on Friday, starting on 02/21/25 and ending on 03/07/25
Only 7 days left to register!
Times: 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Instructor: Liz Johnson Liz Johnson
Location: Online-Live,

Session Number: 253NAT338BO
Price Non-Member : $150.00
Member : $135.00

Additional Sessions Available
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