Plant Structure

Note the "Location" of each session, as we have in-person and online options. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails contain specific class instructions.
Get a solid grounding in the basic plant body-from the cell to the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit. We'll use dissecting and compound light microscopes to observe plant anatomy, then introduce the base-level chemistry required to understand the world of plants.

Required Text:
Raven PH, Evert RF, & Eichhorn SE. Biology of Plants, 8th edition. W.H. Freeman, 2013.

Materials Information for Online Classes:
Please note, this course requires the purchase of materials. Please refer to the Materials List linked below for more information.

Schedule: Every week on Wednesday, starting on 03/05/25 and ending on 04/30/25 (excluding 04/16/25)
Only 19 days left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm EST
Instructor: Lydia Paradiso Lydia Paradiso
Location: Online-Live,

Session Number: 253BOT315BO
Price Non-Member : $650.00
Member : $595.00
Central Park Conservancy : $590.00
Materials List:
Click here for materials list (BOT315O) (PDF Document)

Additional Sessions Available
There are currently no other sections available.