Basic Color Theory for Gardeners

Note the "Location" below which indicates if a particular class meets online or in person. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails will contain specific logistics.
Learn the basics, review examples that work for different architectural styles and site conditions, and develop a go-to plant list for your home landscape. In the second session, you will develop and draw a basic design plan for your garden that you can refine and implement come spring.

Schedule: Every week on Thursday, starting on 02/27/25 and ending on 03/06/25
Only 13 days left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-08:00pm EST
Instructor: Shauna Moore Shauna Moore
Location: Online-Live,

Session Number: 253GAR367O
Price Non-Member : $115.00
Member : $105.00

Additional Sessions Available
There are currently no other sections available.