Color Theory for Floral Design

Note the "Location" below which indicates if a particular class meets online or in person. Price differences may apply. Confirmation emails will contain specific logistics.
Colors-like flowers themselves-evoke feeling and sentiment, and set the mood. Explore the role of color in floral design using a spectrum of flowers. This course gives you a solid grounding in color theory, while highlighting the latest hues and color combinations.
Materials Information:
For In-person classes: Price includes a $100 materials fee for plant materials and hard goods. Please bring a florist knife, wire cutters, scissors, pruners, a camera, and a box or bag to carry home your work. A Floral Tool Kit is available for purchase through the Registration Office.
For Online Classes: Students will be expected to purchase flowers before each class based on the instructor's color guidelines. Registrants will be emailed a week before the class begins. This course requires the purchase of additional materials. Please refer to the Materials List linked below for more information.
Additional Sessions Available