Instructor: Maureen Benet

Maureen Benet
Maureen Benet is a Certified Instructor of the Tai Chi for Health™ program created by Dr. Paul Lam. She has been leading classes for Oregon Tai Chi Wushu since the summer of 2012.

While Tai Chi for Health is suitable for participants of any age or ability, Maureen feels the call to help seniors age gracefully and improve the health of those with physical challenges. This call came after her own experience with balance issues due to an early onset of arthritis and the removal of a benign brain tumor at age 49. She is confident that all kinds of Tai Chi can help anyone have better health, no matter their ability or experience, as she has certainly reaped these rewards personally.

As a resident of Bend since 1976, Maureen has seen many changes and met many people through her previous professions, most notably Westside Therapeutic Massage, which she owned and operated for thirty years on the west side of Bend. Previously she had a career in Banking and Commercial Real Estate and worked in an extremely busy law office. She feels that this varied background has helped her learn about people from all walks of life, allowing her to connect with class participants on many levels.

Classes by this instructor

This course is appropriate for anyone who wants a slower Tai Chi course or those dealing with chronic health conditions. The slow, gentle and simple movements help facilitate healing and improve range of motion, flexibility and balance.
April 17, 2024 to May 17, 2024 | 8:45am-9:45am | Bend