Instructor: Kathryn Mattingly

Kathryn Mattingly
Biography: Kathryn Mattingly is a college educator, professional editor, award-winning author, and public speaker. She has taught numerous writing courses at 2 private colleges. While senior editor for Possibility Publishing Ms. Mattingly was instrumental in securing America's Next Top Model Naima Mora as a client and received national credit as the editor of her book, Model Behavior. As a feature writer for Possibility Media Group Kathryn has had over 30 articles published. She has been a senior editor for a small publishing house and has mentored new writers through her penpublishpromote private editing service. Kathryn is the author of 5 literary suspense novels. Her debut novel Benjamin was a New Century Quarterly Finalist and her latest novel, Katya, has won two awards for outstanding fiction in its category. Her short story collection Fractured Hearts includes 4 award-winning stories. Kathryn's work can also be found in 12 themed anthologies through various small presses. 

Publication Highlights
  • Literary Suspense fiction novel Benjamin (2013) Winter Goose Publishing 
  • Short story collection, Fractured Hearts (2014) Winter Goose Publishing 
  • Literary Suspense Fiction novel, Journey (2015) Winter Goose Publishing 
  • Literary suspense fiction novel, Olivia's Ghost (2016) 
  • Literary suspense novel The Tutor (2018) 
  • Literary suspense novel Katya (2023) 
  • 8 anthology publications, 30 magazine & online publications (1999-2023) 
  • 7 awards for outstanding writing (2001-2023)

Classes by this instructor

If you are writing or have written your fiction novel or memoir and want to learn about the next steps toward publication, this course will show you what is needed to acquire an agent or publisher. You will learn how to write a pitch, query letter, long and short synopsis, potential back cover blurb and more.
April 9, 2025 to May 14, 2025 | 9:00am-12:00pm | Bend
In this course, learn essential building blocks for fiction and memoir including plot, setting, theme, characterization, point-of-view, and dialogue. What is the hero's journey, and how does a writer develop a story concept into a page-turning best seller? Award-winning author and college educator Kathryn Mattingly will inspire you to begin your novel, complete your first draft, or reassess what you have written so far. Open to novel and memoir writers of all levels!
April 10, 2025 to May 15, 2025 | 5:00pm-8:00pm | Bend