Biography: Stephanie Manriquez came to massage therapy late in life after a career as a cake-decorating technician, diaper service business owner, and a single parent of 6 children. As a licensed massage therapist, Stephanie served as a board member on the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists for two terms. For nine years, she was the Program Director of the Licensed Massage Therapy program at COCC. She was also a faculty member and taught classes for the LMT program. Stephanie has also volunteered on the NCBTMB ethics committee and CE Approved Provider committee. She served on the AMTA School Summit committee and currently teaches the online business class for the LMT program at COCC in addition to teaching both the Ethics for LMTs and Ethics and Professional Conduct online classes for COCC ContinuingEducation.Stephanie has had a massage therapy license in Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii. She earned a BS in Business & Psychology from Eastern Oregon University and an Associate of MassageTherapy from COCC. Stephanie currently serves as a public member on the Oregon Board of Licensed Social Workers. She is excited to share her life experiences with others and enjoys gardening, camping, and familygatherings with her 13 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.