Landscape Design Classes

The need to develop, preserve, and protect our open spaces and environmental and cultural resources has never been greater. NYBG's engaging program gives you a solid, plant-focused foundation along with the skills and confidence to pursue your passion. What's more, the Garden offers 250 inspiring acres of sustainable, functional landscapes for up-close, in-depth study. Take a single course for fun or pursue a professional Certificate in Landscape Design.

Click here for an overview of the Certificate Program.


Gain an understanding of the principles of pollination and learn how to create landscapes that attract a diversity of pollinators. In this class, you'll review pollinator ecology and the varied types of pollinators in the northeast region; explore native plant more...
251HRT125 07/27 Sa 10:00am-1:00pm Eierman, EcoBeneficial


Gain an introduction to the terminology, concepts, and basic principles of landscape design through lectures and simple two-dimensional exercises. This course is recommended for students with little or no background in design who want to design for their own home more...
251LAN100CO 08/06 Tu 6:00pm-8:00pm Arrington

"Travel the globe" during this survey of European, American, Chinese, Japanese, and Islamic garden traditions, while exploring a wide range of iconic examples—from private gardens to public parks.
251PLT100A 08/07   Merritt

This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
251BOT308CO 08/13 Tu 5:30pm-7:30pm Bucuvalas


Choose the right plant for the right place, based on site-specific design and maintenance criteria. Learn landscape values such as size, texture, color, and flowering and fruiting seasons. Review trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, and perennials suitable for this region.
251HRT358B 09/07 Sa 10:00am-12:40pm D'Antonio
251HRT358C 09/07 Sa 1:00pm-3:40pm Tyson-Strait

Graphics are essential in developing and communicating your ideas. Practice various graphic techniques on a range of materials and equipment and learn how to organize and render landscape plans on paper for optimal presentation to clients. Homework is required.
251LAN311CO 09/07 Sa 10:30am-1:30pm Miller

Learn the various tools and applications of this software package for landscape designers. Topics include: developing base plans from surveys, techniques for quick estimates, and utilizing the online plant database. Basic computer skills and PC laptop required.
251LAN427 09/10 Tu 5:00pm-8:00pm Poccia

Apply basic design to site-specific problems, focusing on the process of design development. Start with a concept, then progress through the schematic phase to a preliminary design solution. Examine the relationships of landscape elements and materials to the design process.
251LAN402 09/12 Th 6:00pm-9:00pm Bray

This is the class for plant-lovers eager to up their game! Learn the terminology and basic botanical nomenclature that will help you recognize and describe key differences in common plants.
251BOT308DO 09/13 Fr 10:30am-12:30pm Holmes

Precise field measurement is the crucial first step in landscape design. Learn how to properly use automatic levels, tapes, and survey instruments. Topics will include accurately measuring distances, differences in elevation, and angles. Dress for the weather.
251LAN340B 09/13 Fr 10:00am-1:00pm Gillman

Explore how to identify and use major groups of shade trees and shrubs native to and hardy in our region, including Acer, Quercus, and Viburnum, which are particularly ornamental in fall.
251HRT331A 09/14 Sa 11:00am-2:00pm Nolan

Gain an introduction to the terminology, concepts, and basic principles of landscape design through lectures and simple two-dimensional exercises. This course is recommended for students with little or no background in design who want to design for their own home more...
251LAN100DO 09/14 Sa 10:00am-12:00pm Tryba

Explore theories, traditions, and principles that have shaped the design of landscapes from antiquity to the present, through visual presentations, assigned readings, projects, and classroom discussion.
251LAN301BO 09/16 Mo 6:00pm-9:00pm Capps Sarathy

Study how to effectively organize and operate a small landscape business that will sustain itself and earn a profit. Learn how to attract new clients, position oneself in a crowded market, and choose the right type of business model. Gain more...
251LAN457O 09/18 We 10:00am-12:00pm Zavaglia

Graphics are essential in developing and communicating your ideas. Practice various graphic techniques on a range of materials and equipment and learn how to organize and render landscape plans on paper for optimal presentation to clients. Homework is required.
251LAN311D 09/19 Th 5:00pm-8:00pm Poccia