Holiday Classes


Bring the bouquet of a summer garden indoors with handmade, naturally moisturizing glycerin soaps. You'll learn the traditional melt-and-pour process and combine fragrances of various dried herbs and essential oils-lavender, rosemary, mint, and more-to make four bars to take home. more...
244WEL143A 05/10 Fr 10:00am-1:00pm Scholl

Create your own professional-looking arrangements with economical, store-bought bouquets. Using simple design principles and fresh flowers from your local grocery store or farmers market, learn how to design and create your own elegant arrangements.
244FDN210D 05/30 Th 6:00pm-8:00pm Mele


Create your own professional-looking arrangements with economical, store-bought bouquets. Using simple design principles and fresh flowers from your local grocery store or farmers market, learn how to design and create your own elegant arrangements.
244FDN210C 06/07 Fr 10:00am-12:00pm Matsui

Bring the bouquet of a summer garden indoors with handmade, naturally moisturizing glycerin soaps. You'll learn the traditional melt-and-pour process and combine fragrances of various dried herbs and essential oils-lavender, rosemary, mint, and more-to make four bars to take home. more...
244WEL143B 06/16 Su 11:00am-2:00pm Scholl


Create your own professional-looking arrangements with economical, store-bought bouquets. Using simple design principles and fresh flowers from your local grocery store or farmers market, learn how to design and create your own elegant arrangements.
251FDN210E 08/23 Fr 11:00am-1:00pm Elfe