Luminous Tulips in Colored Pencil

Talented botanical artist and active scientific illustrator Crystal Shin will share her approach to colored pencil renderings, from the importance of color observation to unique layering techniques that yield deep saturation, smooth surface, and vibrant, glowing undertones of watercolor. Through live demonstrations, videos, and individual feedback, you'll develop new skills as you study and portray the elegant lines, rich colors, and nuanced textures of a tulip from flower to bulb. Prerequisite: Colored Pencil

Please note, this course requires the purchase of materials. Please refer to the materials list linked below for more information.

Schedule: Every week on Thursday, starting on 05/16/24 and ending on 05/30/24
Only 13 days left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-08:00pm EDT
Instructor: Crystal Shin Crystal Shin
Location: Online-Live,

Session Number: 244BIL409O
Price Non-Member : $415.00
Member : $380.00
Materials List:
Click here for materials list (BIL409O) (PDF Document)
Prerequisite(s): Colored Pencil
By signing up for this course, you acknowledge that you have successfully completed the necessary prerequisite(s).

Additional Sessions Available
There are currently no other sections available.