Urban Naturalist Mini-Intensive

Revel in the colors and sounds of autumn and complete the first three classes in our Urban Naturalist Program in just four weeks!

Introduction to Natural History
Naturalists are keen observers of the world around them and have played an integral role in the evolution of scientific thought. Now you can be one too! Learn how to identify plants and animals using a 10x hand lens, dichotomous keys, and field guides. We'll discuss ecological processes and how they are impacted by the urban environment. Significant time will be spent outside on Garden grounds and Pelham Bay Park. Novices and seasoned nature-lovers alike are welcome!
Karla Risdon-Nugent | 202NAT300B

Native Flora in Autumn
Autumn is one of the most spectacular times to learn more about the native flora of the Northeast. Goldenrods and asters take center stage at this time of year, but can be difficult to identify. Equipped with a 10X power hand lens, you'll learn to use a plant key to help you identify these plants on the Garden grounds, as well as other wildflowers, shrubs, and trees.
Nancy Slowik | 202BOT331B

Natural History of Birds
With its wide variety of habitats and its position on the Atlantic Flyway, NYC is a bird-lover's paradise. Over 300 distinct resident or migratory species live here or pass through, including many nesting species such as Peregrine Falcons, Red-tailed Hawks, Yellow Warblers, and Baltimore Orioles. You will practice observing distinctive feather patterns, beak and body shapes, and evaluating songs and behaviors to improve your ability to identify species in the field and to use field guides effectively. We'll emphasize the role individual birds play in our ecosystem, while enjoying the unique nature of autumnal birding!
Ken Chaya | 202NAT321B

Available Sessions

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