NYBG Native Plant Saturday: All Three Sections


10 am-12 pm
Native Plant Selection

Learn what makes a plant native, how to choose the best species for your garden, where to find them, and how to grow them successfully. We'll also discuss those you can plant to support and encourage pollinators in your own landscape.
Kim Eierman | 203GAR202B

12-12:45 Lunch

12:45-2:45 pm
Propagating Native Plants

Learn how to collect and sow the seeds of native plants from your local landscape or from commercial sources, and how to make more plants from your own collection through vegetative propagation techniques such as division, cuttings, and layering.
Colin Wright | 203GAR202C

3-5 pm
Designing with Native Plants

Learn the fundamentals of how native plants can be successfully incorporated into your garden plans to create sustainable garden designs filled with the beauty and diversity you desire.
Renee Marsh | 203GAR202D

Sessions Available for Registration

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