All About Containers Saturday: All Three Sections

No land? No problem! Containers can bring added color, form, and texture to any space-deck, rooftop, terrace, front porch, or window sill. With the right combination of plants, containers provide visual impact, create a small garden, and add pleasure to your living area. Sun or shade, ornamental or edible, find out what kind of container garden is right for you. Please bring lunch.

10 am-12 pm: Container Gardening 101
TBD l NYBG l 244GAR200B

Learn the basics for planting and maintaining a healthy outdoor container garden: materials and container styles, potting mixes, fertilization, and watering.

12-12:45 pm: Break

12:45-2:45 pm: Designing with Containers
Veronica Tyson-Strait l NYBG l 244GAR200C
Learn a comprehensive approach to designing with containers, including how, when, where and why you should use a particular pot in one spot over another. Gain tips and tricks for great plant combinations in containers of all kinds and walk away with a container of plants you potted up!

3-5 PM: Great Native Plants for Containers
Kim Eierman l NYBG l 244GAR200D
Learn which native plants are the best choices to use successfully in containers. Even if you don't have room for a perennial garden, you can still invite nature into your yard, patio, or balcony with some great native plants in containers. The butterflies, beneficial insects, hummingbirds, and pollinators will thank you.

Sessions Available for Registration

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