STILL: The Art of Noticing with Mary Jo Hoffman

Every single day for over a decade, Mary Jo Hoffman has made a photograph of found nature—no subject too small or too ordinary. For Hoffman, a former aeronautical engineer, this daily ritual cracked open profound revelations about the connectedness of all things, the importance of place, and her own life. This daily practice has culminated into Still: The Art of Noticing, a collection of breathtaking photographs from Hoffman's enormous archive, accompanied by perceptive, deeply felt, and oftentimes humorous essays illuminating the insights she's gained along the way.

Join Hoffman as she shares her artistic process, approach to mindfulness, and the concept of micro-seasons, inspired by a Japanese approach to seasons, which divides the year into 72 five-day bursts.

Copies of Still: The Art of Noticing will be available for purchase and signing.

To register for Mary Jo Hoffman's Flatlay Composition Workshop from 2-4pm, please visit this page.

Sessions Available for Registration

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