
Contact Hrs/CEUs: 14/1.4                                 

 Today's business environment changes quickly and constantly. Organizations need to be flexible to keep up with competitors, new technology and customer demands. Agile approaches offer tangible benefits in productivity and quality by rapidly addressing issues, responding to new opportunities and meeting volatile customer demands, while focusing on continuous improvement through an iterative approach. This class is an introduction to Agile for individuals interested in exploring agile or applying agile practices, principles and values in their organization. This class is geared towards anyone who is new to Agile, Scrum, or Kanban and hasn't received any formal training. It provides participants with a good understanding of Agile approaches and the importance of managing change effectively.

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Contact Hours/CEUs: 14/1.4 


This interactive class focuses on four elements of an Agile environment: product/project discovery, requirements gathering, communication and prioritization. Please note: This class will be held in person on the Portland campus.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E) modules bring awareness and understanding to the foundations of agile leadership.

CEUs: 7.7 hours / 0.75 CEUs

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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 7.5/0.75

The Certified Agile Leadership - Organizations (CAL-O) class will teach you how to shift you mindset about the culture and employees in your organization. Leading an entire organization to become Agile is hard. CAL-O will give you that tools necessary to become a change agent and effectively use Agile to strengthen your organization.

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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 7.5/0.75

The goal of this offering is to create awareness about the changing dynamics in today's world of work and equip leaders with the practices they need to lead their teams with agility.

This course contains no sessions
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This course contains no sessions
Contact Hrs/CEUs: 10.5/1.05

Value Stream Management & Certified Agile Leadership Organizations (CAL-O) class will teach you how to shift you mindset about the culture and employees in your organization. Leading an entire organization to become Agile is hard. CAL-O will give you that tools necessary to become a change agent and effectively use Agile to strengthen your organization.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


When you are writing letters, memos, reports, and e-mail messages, does a little voice nag you about not being able to remember many of the writing rules you learned in school? Should you capitalize "board of directors"? Does a comma go inside or outside the quotation marks? What is the difference between "it's" and "its"? Brush up on common areas of confusion in grammar and punctuation.

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

Friday, October 18, 2024, Abromson Center, Room 213

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6

AgileEffective coaching uses work challenges as opportunities to develop strengths, capabilities, and confidence in people for the enhancement of future performance. Using real-life case studies, participants will learn the difference between coaching and supervision, identify key actions for coaching and how to prepare and engage in a coaching conversation that will enhance performance and improve results. Discover how to utilize "coachable" moments to bring out the best in others and how to continuously build the skills and motivation of employees.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     



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Contact Hour/CEU: 8/0.8

This live-online course will provide best practices and workplace strategies in the field of conflict resolution and interpersonal communication skills. Attendees will be provided with proven methods and techniques aimed at improving their ability to resolve problems, develop relationships, and manage conflict.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 8/0.8


While conflicts are inevitable, anger, holding grudges, hurt, and blame are not.  Conflict resolution can be a growth opportunity.  With the right tools and frame of mind, you can resolve conflicts in a way that benefits everyone involved.  Once people understand conflict and how to more effectively manage it, fear and avoidance can disappear, while personal growth and productivity expand.

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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


AgileThis course focuses on how team leaders identify tasks to be performed, develop action plans, and effectively direct the work of their team members. Participants will learn a six-step process of delegation. During this interactive course, participants will have an opportunity to practice their delegation skills and get feedback.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 13/1.3


Giving presentations is rated as one of the most dreaded tasks assigned in the workplace. When done well, however, presentations can be a stepping stone to new opportunities. With increased confidence, you can market or sell your products, services, or ideas, and gain respect and attention from your boss, peers, and customers. This workshop will help you develop your skills and decrease your anxiety in a supportive, safe environment. Many past participants have stated that this course reduced their presentation fears. It includes a pre-assessment to help you and the instructor target your strengths and areas to improve.

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUS: 8.0/0.8

Through this live-online program, participants will learn the most essential communication skills required to succeed in the challenging and competitive working environment of today. It starts off with developing proven listening skills for participants to build a solid foundation for many of the concepts throughout the program. Learn active listening skills to properly utilize the power of questions and language that engages others.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 21/2.1


You are responsible for organizing and managing a multifaceted activity involving people from differing specialties to create something brand new. Quality is essential, resources are limited, and time is of the essence-a classic scenario. This course provides the practices, tools, and skills required to manage such an enterprise. The process starts with scoping the project, moves through identifying tasks and estimating resources, and concludes with setting schedules and completing a plan. Working individually and in groups, you will apply and extend your workplace expertise and integrate project management competencies. Tools acquired during this course will be applied in the next certificate course, Implementing Project Management.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 15/1.5 - CLEs/10 - General Credits/10


Learn in the classroom and not in the courtroom.  Mistakes in managing employees can lead to costly litigation, loss of reputation, and turnover.  During this course, you will learn about employment laws and regulations involved in managing employees, the implications of the laws affecting your employment practices, and specific operational approaches to help you build an employment culture of compliance.



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This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


Using the right style of leadership for the right situation is a concern for everyone in a leadership role. Should I direct, coach, support or allow my employees to be self-reliant and empowered? How do I know that I am matching the appropriate leadership style for the level of employee competence? During this interactive workshop, you will utilize a self-assessment to determine your versatility in using the right style based on the needs of the employee - the person being led. Learn how to become a more flexible leader and improve your conversations about performance and development between you, the leader, and the people who work for you so that competence is developed and talented individuals are retained.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     


Our Mission: To provide a meaningful online results-focused learning experience that will position you for growth opportunities.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 30/3.0


With difficult economic times impacting many businesses, including non-profits, grant writing is becoming more competitive than ever. This interactive online, instructor-led course will prepare you to submit a successful proposal that is complete and includes what is expected by funding organizations with the resources you need. This program uses case studies and effective worksheets that will guide you through each step of the grant writing proposal process. After completing this course, students will have the confidence and resources needed to be a successful grant writer.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 30/3.0


With difficult economic times impacting many businesses, including non-profits, grant writing is becoming more competitive than ever. This interactive online, instructor-led course will prepare you to submit a successful proposal that is complete and includes what is expected by funding organizations with the resources you need. This program uses case studies and effective worksheets that will guide you through each step of the grant writing proposal process. After completing this course, students will have the confidence and resources needed to be a successful grant writer.


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This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 21/2.1


This course is the third in the USM Project Management certificate series. It is designed to help project leaders more fully integrate the discipline of project management into their organization. This course provides the concepts, practices, and skills required to face the common workplace project challenges with success.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 4/0.4


AgileHuman resource management plays a critical role in an organization through the effective selection and management of the organization's employees. This workshop will provide you with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of human resource management and its strategic relevance in business today. The workshop will focus on practical strategies and best practices occurring in all key human resource functions.



For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024, Online

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 14/1.4

Project Management is the application of skills, methodologies, tools and techniques to achieve goals while navigating the uncertainty, risk, and constraints that inevitably impact project work. This program orients individuals considering the field, functional managers running projects, and assigned project managers to the practice of Project Management. Through discussion and team exercises, participants will obtain an overview of frameworks and tools to support project and organizational success, share experiences about common risks and mistakes, and identify key skills and competencies for successful individual practice to apply in their own work settings.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


September 11-25, 2024, Online


Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


Change is constant in our businesses. To remain competitive, organizations must manage multiple change initiatives and stay ahead of the competition by anticipating changes and changing faster and more efficiently.  This course is designed to make you and your organization more agile and resilient and capable of effectively managing the forces of change. 


So, what is the difference between those managers who are leading through a somewhat seamless shift from those leaders still learning how to prepare themselves and their team members for success?  The ability to help ourselves and others to adapt, bounce back, and stay focused on business objectives makes the difference.  This opportunity focuses on manager reskilling and upskilling in three areas:  Outcomes, others, and ourselves.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     


Our Mission: To provide a meaningful online results-focused learning experience that will position you for growth opportunities.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 7/0.7


Learn techniques for improving influence skills, whether influencing an audience of 1 or 100, by structuring influential messages so that others will understand them and be more willing to consider them. Influence is at the heart of most professions. Increasing others' buy-in and commitment to ideas, suggestions, and directives is important to success at work. This workshop is designed to help participants assess how to build relationships and communicate their ideas to others with credibility, confidence, and clarity.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


November 7-21, 2024, Online
Contact Hrs/CEUs: 46/4.6


Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a proven method for solving problems and making key business processes more efficient and productive. The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification course develops advanced skills for leading complex projects and for supporting LSS deployment within an organization.

Completion of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt is a prerequisite of the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course.
For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

This course contains no sessions
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You will learn many of the Lean Six Sigma techniques, problem-solving methods, and use of statistical tools. A Green Belt certificate will give you all the skills needed to be an effective project leader. A Green Belt certificate is a prerequisite for the Black Belt certificate.

October 29, 2024 to November 19, 2024, Abromson Center, Room 216

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology for solving problems and improving processes.  It includes strategies and tools for making key business processes more efficient and productive. This course will provide participants with an understanding of Lean Six Sigma methods and will provide participants with tools that can be immediately applied for process improvement projects.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/7 - CEUs/.7

This workshop is designed to help individuals to feel a greater sense of meaningful accomplishment at the end of a workday and to help organizations cut the human and financial costs associated with wasted time and efforts.

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6

AgileAt some point, every leader has to contend with sub-standard performance. Why do some employees fail to do what's expected of them and what action can you take to correct the situation? During this workshop learn a step-by-step approach to effectively manage poor performance and create stronger accountability. Discuss and practice strategies to deal with problem performance and behavior.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     



For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


December 6-13, 2024, Online

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 15/1.5


Managing Training & Development - OnlineThis participatory course provides an overview of the role and contribution of training and development within an organization. The course assists human resource professionals and managers responsible for the training and development of staff to utilize their resources better to maximize the impact of training. Participants will learn to apply skills to their own situations through two written assignments.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/40 - CEUs/4.0 - CLEs/16 - General Credits/13 - Ethics Credits/2 - Harassment/Discrimination Credits/1 

Mediation introduces you to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and the process and skills of mediation. It provides 40 hours of training, which is a state and national standard for entry-level mediators. The course is designed for individuals who are interested in mediating or applying the process of mediation to their profession or in their workplace.     



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This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/14 - CEUs/1.4 - CLEs/14 - General Credits/13 - Ethics Credits/1


This two-day interactive workshop will cover conflict management techniques. You will explore the basic structure of informal mediation for coaching your team through conflict between co-workers, other teams, divisions, or clients. The presenters, Diane Kenty and William Logue, have decades of experience as mediators.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 7/0.7


This live-online class examines mentoring, a tool which has existed, throughout history, for developing individuals' talents and knowledge. A tool to pass along critical business information from more experienced to less experienced individuals. A well-designed approach to mentoring can produce meaningful results for everyone from intelligent but inexperienced new hires to mature employees who need or want to broaden or redefine their skills, getting the most out of mentoring relationships inside any business.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Excellent negotiators are great relationship builders. By building your negotiation strategies with relationship skills, you exponentially increase your success. The course will provide best practices and strategies in the field of negotiations and interpersonal communication skills. Attendees will be provided with proven methods and techniques aimed at improving their ability to get deals done, solve problems, develop relationships, and manage conflict.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 12/1.2


Studies have shown that many managers spend 40 to 60 percent of their time in meetings. Virtual and in-person meetings can be an effective way to share information, solve problems, generate new ideas, develop new products and services, and build relationships. Yet, how many of us, whether we are managers, professionals or participants have sat through boring, ineffective meetings? Through presentation, discussion, and hands-on practice you will learn practical skills and tools to help you immediately improve your meetings.




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This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 15/1.5


AgilePerformance management is a complex system of rewards, interventions, and collaboration among teams, leaders, and the organization. Effective systems are necessary for critical management functions, including operational control, planning, and decisions related to compensation and employment. This program focuses on the human resource role in developing and maintaining performance management systems.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


October 30, 2024 to November 13, 2024, Online
This course offers a practical overview of modern lean/ product exposure based oncontemporary industry practice. To win in today's competitive market requires giving yourbusiness the ability to deliver highly profitable products faster than the competition.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 12/1.2

Whether you love it or hate it, good writing is vital to your professional reputation and getting ahead. You need to be able to express your ideas clearly, concisely, and persuasively. In this course, we will start with what you learned about writing in school and discuss how to apply it to professional writing. You will learn how to reduce frustration and wasted time as we solve day-to-day writing problems, while identifying common mistakes. This course is for marketing and communication professionals, project and product managers, administrators, and anyone else who needs to present a professional image in his or her written communication.

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 36/3.6


AgileTaking a SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Test Prep course gives the opportunity to learn from and engage with an experienced SHRM-Certified instructor and other students looking to work toward this desirable career goal. Be a leader in your organization by gaining the tools to transform and elevate your workplace to be the place where people grow and maximize their potential.


***Please Note*** The SHRM Test Prep online courses will be recorded, registration into this class is a consent to be recorded.


For SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP exam eligibility criteria, please view the SHRM website. Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship building.   


Our Mission: To provide a meaningful online results-focused learning experience that will position you for growth opportunities.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


September 3, 2024 to November 19, 2024, Online

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 36/3.6


AgileTaking a SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Test Prep course gives the opportunity to learn from and engage with an experienced SHRM-Certified instructor and other students looking to work toward this desirable career goal. Be a leader in your organization by gaining the tools to transform and elevate your workplace to be the place where people grow and maximize their potential..


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 12/1.2

Approved SHRMRecertification PDCs: 11.25


Whether you are interacting with a colleague, an employee, a boss, or a customer, the one thing you have control over is what you say and how you say it. In this popular and practical workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn and apply critical professional communication skills that will help you develop relationships and get the work done. You'll practice how to get your ideas across, how to meet the other person's needs, and what to do if there is a conflict or difference of opinion.


Course Information: The course includes 3 hours of work offline.


Online classes will be interactive and include a mix of pre-work assignments and live-online class discussions. You may participate in active dialogue, reflection, explore real-life scenarios, or group activities to demonstrate your understanding and share meaning. Come prepared to engage and explore new ways of learning and relationship-building.     


Our Mission: To provide a meaningful online results-focused learning experience that will position you for growth opportunities.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


AgileMaking the transition from staff member to supervisor can be challenging. This course is designed to address some of those unique challenges. Through self-assessment and case studies, participants will determine their preferred supervisory style and identify ways to modify it to bring out the best in others.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


September 20-27, 2024, Online

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 36/3.6

Typically, it is not the content of the work or tasks that cause problems with supervisors and managers. It's the interactions between people; it is shifting one's focus from doing the work to getting the work done through others. Throughout the six classes, we will build on your mastery as you practice supervisory competencies that lead to effective supervision.

This class is being held in person on USM Portland Campus.

For additional details and cost(s), select session below.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 15/1.5


AgileLet’s take a close look at the employment life cycle starting with what happens before recruitment begins and ends after employment terminates.  In this course, we will focus on key management challenges, common gaps in talent management strategy, employment culture, employee experience, performance management, role modeling leadership behaviors, and employment termination.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


September 19, 2024 to October 17, 2024, Online
This 3 day, 15 hour, workshop will provide the foundation for an HR professional to understand the concepts of Total Rewards. We will discuss the basics of developing a strategy and tactics for implementation of the key elements of the strategy. The course will cover compensation and benefit implications into the Total Rewards environment, as well as the intangible items (PTO, Leave policies, culture, etc.) that could/should be included in the Total Reward strategy.

This course contains no sessions
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Contact Hrs/CEUs: 6/0.6


AgileGiving feedback is a necessary and important part of workplace relationships, whether you are working with a peer, manager, staff member or customer. Learn how to turn a situation that many times ends in defensiveness or anger into a positive conversation that strengthens the working relationship and contributes to increased productivity.


For additional details and cost(s), select session below.


October 25, 2024 to November 1, 2024, Online