Course detail: Retirement: How to Do It Right

Course Description: 

Retiring is an exciting time. We look forward to the time and freedom to do what we want. But it is also an unknown. After a 20, 30, or even 40-year career, we leave not only a job but co-workers and our routine. After retirement, an incredible silence ensues. For our entire life, someone or something requires us to attend school, get a job, or go to work to pay the bills. Now our schedule and purpose can become a series of daunting choices. 

Together, we will examine finances, relationships, adjusting to retirement, our health (physical, emotional, social and spiritual), and how to continue to fulfill our purpose. Finally, we will lay out a blueprint for before, during and after retirement to follow so you can enjoy your well-earned retirement in a fun and purposeful way. 

Core Competency:
  • Participants will support their wellness and resilience with skills learned in the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional areas required of law enforcement officers. 
Instructional Methods: 
  • Lecture 
  • Small group discussion 
Who Should Attend: 
  • All first responders 
Course Requirements: 
  • 100% attendance and participation
Fitness Requirements and Expectation of Physical Risk: Sedentary

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend University of Kansas sponsored events. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in an event, please email KLETC or call 620.694.1400 at least three weeks before the first day of the event. Some events may require notice earlier than three weeks and require you contact a specific individual; if so, that information is provided in the event-specific information.

Noticeof Availability of the KLETC Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

 TheUniversity of Kansas has determined that the Kansas Law Enforcement TrainingCenter (KLETC) main campus in Hutchinson and its regional sites in Dodge City,Hays, and Parsons are separate campuses. This determination was made inconsultation with the Department of Education. The report is available onlineat:

 The report contains information regarding campus safety andsecurity including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crimereporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and EmergencyNotifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent sexualassault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking; the procedures theinstitution will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other mattersof importance related to security on campus. The report also containsinformation about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar yearsconcerning reported crimes that occurred On-Campus; in On-Campus StudentHousing Facilities; in Non-Campus buildings or property owned or controlled bythe institution or a recognized student organization; and on Public Propertywithin, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The reportalso contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus StudentHousing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.

 A paper copy of the reportwill be provided upon request. If you would like to receive a paper copy, youcan request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 785-864-6414 or emailing or arrange for pick-upat a KLETC location.

Available sessions