Course detail: New Detective School: An Introduction to Criminal Investigations

Prepare newly promoted detectives and investigators for success with a focused four-day, foundational Criminal Investigations Training program. Tailored to meet the specific needs of those transitioning into these roles, this course equips participants with critical skills and knowledge. Led by seasoned prosecutors from the Sedgwick County District Attorney's Office, veteran investigators from the Wichita Police Department, and experts from the Regional Forensic Science Center, this training covers fundamental topics such as legal and ethical considerations, evidence collection, digital investigations, courtroom preparation, and specialized case handling. 

Upon completing this program, participants will emerge with not only a solid foundational set of skills and knowledge but also the confidence and competence to excel in their new roles. Whether it's managing a homicide case, navigating the nuances of digital evidence, or presenting findings in a courtroom, this course equips you with the essentials and beyond, ensuring a significant impact in your contributions to criminal investigations.

Key Features of the Program:

Introduction to Criminal Investigations: Begin with a solid foundation, understanding the scope, roles, and responsibilities in the realm of criminal investigations, setting the stage for advanced learning. 

In-Depth Exploration of Criminal Statutes: Delve into the legal framework governing criminal behavior, ensuring a thorough understanding of statutes and their application in investigative scenarios.

Homicide and Death Investigations: Gain experience in handling sensitive and complex cases, learning to navigate the intricacies of motive identification, scene reconstruction, and collaboration with forensic experts.

Domestic Violence Investigations: Acquire the skills to approach these cases with the necessary sensitivity and thoroughness, focusing on victim protection and evidence collection under challenging circumstances.

Legal and Ethical Mastery: 4th and 5th Amendments: Develop a deep understanding of constitutional protections related to search and seizure, and self-incrimination, ensuring all investigative activities uphold legal standards.

Probable Cause and Charging: Learn to articulate probable cause effectively and understand the nuances of initiating charges based on solid legal footing.

Electronic Investigations and Science-Based Interviewing: Embrace the digital age of investigations with techniques for electronic evidence collection and analysis, paired with psychological approaches to interviewing.

Crime Scene Management: Master the art of crime scene control, from securing the perimeter to collecting and preserving evidence meticulously.

Case Management and Witness Identification: Enhance organizational skills for managing complex cases and learn effective strategies for witness identification and interaction.

Courtroom Testimony: Build confidence and competence in presenting evidence and testimony in legal proceedings, understanding the significance of demeanor and clarity in the courtroom.

 Participants' Takeaways:

  • A solid grasp of legal and ethical principles guiding investigations.
  • Proficiency in evidence collection, case management ,and specialized investigative areas.
  • Enhanced communication skills, courtroom confidence, and readiness for the multifaceted challenges of criminal investigations.
Core Competency: Participants will employ best practices as they investigate any crime from its beginning to its eventual disposition, either as an individual or as part of an investigatory team

Who Should Attend:
  • Newly promoted commissioned law enforcement detectives and investigators in the Wichita/Sedgwick County area. 

Noticeof Availability of the KLETC Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

 TheUniversity of Kansas has determined that the Kansas Law Enforcement TrainingCenter (KLETC) main campus in Hutchinson and its regional sites in Dodge City,Hays, and Parsons are separate campuses. This determination was made inconsultation with the Department of Education. The report is available onlineat:

 The report contains information regarding campus safety andsecurity including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crimereporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and EmergencyNotifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent sexualassault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking; the procedures theinstitution will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other mattersof importance related to security on campus. The report also containsinformation about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar yearsconcerning reported crimes that occurred On-Campus; in On-Campus StudentHousing Facilities; in Non-Campus buildings or property owned or controlled bythe institution or a recognized student organization; and on Public Propertywithin, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The reportalso contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus StudentHousing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.

 A paper copy of the reportwill be provided upon request. If you would like to receive a paper copy, youcan request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 785-864-6414 or emailing or arrange for pick-upat a KLETC location.

Available sessions