Course: Genealogy for Intermediates (OSH-GENINT)

Have you found some of your ancestors, collected information, started a family tree... and want to do more? This class will help you make sense of what you have, expand your research skills, learn to use more advanced tools and techniques, and broaden your knowledge of genealogical resources. The goal is to build on what you have already done and add to the depth and breadth of your family history.

This class is designed for individuals with some experience doing their family history and use of the Internet. This will be an interactive learning experience, and it is highly recommended you bring a laptop to class to access the work you have already done, and research new sites online.

 Session: OSH225.GENINT (SOLD OUT! Waitlist available)

Schedule: Mondays and Thursdays; March 3, 6, 10, 13
Times: 10:00am - 12:00pm


Name Additional Resources
Donna Shumate

Facility Detail

Special Programs Building
Special Programs Building, Classroom 156
490 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173