Communication & Writing


A great editor is like a great mechanic. They look at a piece of writing the same way a mechanic looks at a car: they assess the current state, see if it has any issues, and resolve them. This course will help you discern between metaphor and fact to discover the truth of editing. You will learn the foundational principles of copyediting, the golden rules of proofreading, and what professional editors actually do and how you can do it, too. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Communicating clearly and concisely in written formats like email, memos, and letters is very important in a workplace setting. Clearly communicating your thoughts, plans and proposals is a highly effective means to advance your ideas and earn the respect of your peers. This course will help you improve your use of these common business communication vehicles by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
The ability to deliver an effective presentation is critical in most job functions. This introductory-level course helps learners organize, structure, and create effective presentations that feature slides as a visual aid. Because many organizations use PowerPoint as a way of communicating information, this course offers advice and guidance on the most effective and persuasive uses of PowerPoint, including best practices on word count, graphics, and structure. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Confidence is a key to delivering an effective speech or presentation. And delivering an effective presentation can be critical to success at work. This introductory-level course helps you develop the skills you'll need to become an outstanding and confident public speaker. It reviews the seven stages of public speaking including defining the audience and crafting your central message, all the way to writing, practicing, and delivering your presentation or speech. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Technical writing is a highly coveted professional skill that involves absorbing technical information and then communicating it through a document that is tailored to a specific audience, usually to inform, instruct, or persuade. This introductory course will explain what technical writing is and what technical writers do, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies they employ. It will also guide you through the technical writing process, from initial plans to final revisions. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
The most effective writing is clear, concise, and error-free. Whether you're writing for business, education, marketing, or personal projects, having a firm understanding of grammar basics will help you communicate effectively with your audience. This Grammar Refresher course will walk you through the foundational elements of English grammar, including the parts of speech, punctuation, and sentence structure. Through interactive games and exercises, you'll learn how to spot and fix common grammatical errors. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Writing is central to our personal and professional lives. Errors in writing can derail a job application, miscommunicate a plan, and confuse our audience in many ways. This course will guide you through the writing process, from brainstorming the content to polishing the final draft. Along the way, you'll be given tips for how to speed up the writing process and ensure that you send out error-free writing. Topics include time management, structure, crafting complex and clear sentences, and troubleshooting common grammar errors. Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

Open enrollment, enroll anytime.