Course: Retail Math Basics (NC-MEDGRETMAT)

Numbers play a role in every retail business. From sales volumes to inventory counts, retailers need to understand how math can help them be successful. This course will cover some of the basic measurements and calculations used in the retail world. You will strengthen your math skills by working through examples and exercises, including calculating common retail metrics.

Course Outcomes
  • Understand the definition of percentage
  • Apply concepts of percentages to perform related calculations
  • Calculate averages related to retail businesses
  • Calculate markup percentages and profit margins for products
  • Calculate the retail price for a product using markup percentage and profit margin
  • Define several key retail metrics related to inventory, customers, and employees
  • Calculate several key retail metrics related to inventory, customers, and employees
  • Apply break-even analysis to retail situations
  • Estimated time to completion: 5 hours
  • Access time: 90 days
  • CEUs: 0.5
  • Contact hours: 5
  • May earn 0.5 IACET CEUs and/or 5 ATD CI credits.  Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to qualify for IACET CEUs.
Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

 Session: MEDG225.RETMAT

Schedule: Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Course Fee : $99.00


Asynchronous Online - Instruction provided at your own pace

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