Course: Leading and Managing Change (NC-MEDGMNGCHG)

Whether adopting new technology or adapting to a drastic shift in an organization's core focus, change is a constant in any successful business. Managers play a fundamental role in successful effecting changes across an organization, and meanwhile, humans, by nature, will often resist change out of fear of the unknown. This introductory course addresses the key issues managers face in a dynamic environment. By understanding the steps in effecting change and how to overcome resistance, a manager can successfully lead change at various levels of an organization.

Learning outcomes
  • Discuss organizational change and the forms it can take
  • Describe Kotter's Eight Step Process recommended for implementing change successfully
  • Outline Lewin's model of change and discuss its limitations
  • Identify the factors a leader or manager can employ to promote change
  • Outline the change initiative planning process
  • Explain the role of a leader in communicating change
  • Discuss methods to foster participation
  • Discuss the underpinnings of resistance to change and how to overcome it
  • Discuss other models of change management (ADKAR, GE CAP, Cisco Change Roadmap)
  • Match change management models to specific scenarios
  • Understand strategic change and mastering a changing environment
  • Estimated time to completion: 4 hours
  • Access time: 90 days
  • CEUs: 0.4
  • Contact hours: 4 May earn 0.4 IACET CEUs and/or 4 ATD CI credits and/or 4 HRCI credits and/or 4 SHRM PDCs. Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to qualify for IACET CEUs.

Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

 Session: MEDG225.MNGCHG

Schedule: Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Course Fee : $79.00


Asynchronous Online - Instruction provided at your own pace

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