Course: HRCI: HR Ethics Certificate (NC-MEDGHRETHICS)

Human resources professionals are charged with supporting the success of their organizations in ways that are ethical and socially responsible. Ethical organizations must consider questions about what is right and fair in all decision-making processes. Because HR professionals are involved in designing and enforcing policies that impact the people who work in an organization, they play an especially powerful role in shaping the ethical culture. Each of these 1.5-hour courses explores the relationship between human resources and creating an ethical workplace. While some delve into theoretical and philosophical questions about how we can know what is right and wrong, others focus on applying theory to practice in an organizational setting. After completing the courses in this certificate, the learner will be prepared to play an essential role in shaping the ethical culture in their workplace. Each self-paced course features an assortment of interactive exercises, videos, case studies, and assessments.

Courses Included in this Certificate
  • Defining Business Ethics
  • Ethical Decision Making
  • Theories of Ethics
  • Capitalism, Inequality, and Justice
  • Corporations and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Common Ethical Challenges
  • Leadership and Organizational Ethics
  • Issues in the Workplace
  • Globalization and Ethics
  • Building an Ethical Organization
  • Estimated time to completion: 15 hours
  • Access time: 730 days
  • CEUs: 1.5
  • Contact hours: 15
  • May earn 1.5 IACET CEUs and/or 20 ATD CI credits and/or 15 HRCI credits and/or 15 SHRM PDCs. Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to qualify for IACET CEUs.
Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

 Session: MEDG225.HRETHICS

Schedule: Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Times: 12:00am - 11:59pm
Course Fee : $259.00


Asynchronous Online - Instruction provided at your own pace

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