Course: Effective Emails, Memos, and Letters (NC-MEDGEFLETRS)

Communicating clearly and concisely in written formats like email, memos, and letters is very important in a workplace setting. Clearly communicating your thoughts, plans and proposals is a highly effective means to advance your ideas and earn the respect of your peers. This course will help you improve your use of these common business communication vehicles by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques.

Learning Outcomes
  • Recognize when it's appropriate to use an email, a memo, or a letter
  • Explain the parts of an email, a memo, and a letter, and format each so that the communication is effective
  • Consider primary and secondary uses for the email, memo, or letter
  • Explain how to facilitate both primary and secondary uses
  • Create a sample email, memo, and letter employing best practices
  • Estimated time to completion: 5 hours
  • Access time: 90 days
  • CEUs: 0.5
  • Contact hours: 5
  • May earn 0.5 IACET CEUs and/or 5 ATD CI credits and/or 5 HRCI credits and/or 5 SHRM PDCs. Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to qualify for IACET CEUs.

Offered in partnership with MindEdge.

 Session: MEDG225.EFLETRS

Schedule: Open enrollment, enroll anytime.
Course Fee : $129.00


Asynchronous Online - Instruction provided at your own pace

Cancellation Policy

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