Course: Arts and Your Health: The Science of Neuroarts (OSH-ARTHEAL)

With recent advances in brain imaging, there is a growing body of research on how the arts in all its forms have positive effects on the brain, health, and mental health. We will explore how music, dance, painting, and visiting a museum can measurably change the body, the brain, and your behavior. We will think about how scientific knowledge can help advance health and wellbeing through the arts. We will discuss ways to promote understanding of the science of neuroarts and help bring together the arts, science and public policy communities to promote health and wellbeing in the Richmond region.

 Session: OSH225.ARTHEAL (SOLD OUT! Waitlist available)

Schedule: Monday, March 3
Times: 01:00pm - 03:00pm


Name Additional Resources
James Schuyler

Facility Detail

Special Programs Building
Special Programs Building, Classroom 156
490 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173