Course: Regenerative Seed Starting 101 (OSH-PXREGENS)

In this dynamic course, you'll dive into the most sustainable seed-starting practices that will make your garden eco-friendly, pest-resistant, and bursting with nutrient-dense produce! We'll explore everything from innovative soil blocking techniques to regenerative and organic tips and tricks, along with expert advice and a starter kit of seeds, pre-made soil, and essential amendments! Join us and cultivate your gardening skills while nurturing a thriving, sustainable ecosystem. Get ready to sow the seeds of success!

 Session: OSH225.PXREGENS

Schedule: Tuesday, April 1 (NOTE: this is a new date!)
Times: 10:00am - 12:00pm


Fees are non-refundable unless we are able to fill the slot


Name Additional Resources
Conner Parrish

Facility Detail

Westhampton Center
WHC, Living Room (Deanery)
406 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173
WHC, Living Room (Deanery)