Osher Lifelong Learning Institute



Courses & Events

The course considers the influences, aims, context, and legacy of one of the most iconic modern art movements. While the course focuses on Germanic painting, other examples of expressionist "expression" (e.g., literature and film) and centers of production (e.g., France, Scandinavia, and Russia) will also be examined.

Instructor Bio: Eliah Bures holds a doctorate in history from UC Berkeley. He is a fellow at Berkeley's Center for Right-Wing Studies and the author of multiple essays and scholarly articles on far-right politics.

July 15-29, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions

From the works of Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Moran to Charlie Russell and Frederic Remington, to the 19th-century illustrators like Theodore Davis, to the more modern artists like Phil Epp, Charlie Norton, Thom Ross, Wilson Hurley, and Harvey Pratt, we'll explore how the West has been portrayed and interpreted through art. Some of the artists will join our discussion.

Instructor Bio: Deb Goodrich, the host of the TV show "Around Kansas," and the Garvey (Texas) Foundation Historian in Residence at the Fort Wallace Museum, chairs the Santa Fe Trail 200. She has appeared in many documentaries including "The Road to Valhalla," "Aftershock," and "American Experience" on Jesse James, and the series, "Gunslingers" on AHC. She wrote and produced the docudrama, "Thof's Dragon."

July 17-31, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions

We'll look at books that explored: politics, drugs, expanding consciousness, feminism, the sexual revolution, and the Vietnam War and discuss how accurately they reflect that time 60 years later. Books discussed include: "The Making of the President 1960," "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test," "The Greening of America, Dispatches, Slouching Toward Bethlehem," "Helter Skelter, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

Instructor Bio: Karl Menninger is retired from a legal career in federal and state government, mostly dealing with issues concerning persons with disabilities. He teaches courses on disabilities and the law and insanity defense at the University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law.

July 15-29, 2024, Osher Institute, St. Andrews Office Facility In Person

We are most familiar with the Odyssey as a classic hero's journey. Though this epic has many layers to it, the purpose and presence of the sacred feminine is one layer that has been overlooked. This course traces the role of the sacred feminine in helping Odysseus return home through each female character, revealing the true character and purpose of each.

Instructor Bio: Shari Tarbet has been an educator for over 30 years, she holds a master's and doctorate in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, and a bachelor's in English/History Education, and BSJ Broadcast Journalism from University of Kansas. Her writings and lectures cover a wide variety of topics on myth, dreamwork, the Bill of Rights, and the sacred feminine.

July 18, 2024 to August 1, 2024, Zoom Facilitated Sessions