Course detail: Introduction to Driver/Operator: Pumper/Aerial (Online Part 1 - NFPA 1002)
- Apparatus Types
- Apparatus Inspection & Maintenance
- Apparatus Safety & Operation
- Positioning Apparatus
- Principles of Water
- Hose Nozzles & Flow Rates
- Theoretical Pressure Calculations
- Fireground Hydraulic Calculations
- Fire Pump Theory
- Operating Fire Pumps
- Static Water Supply Sources
- Relay Pumping Operations
- Water Shuttle Operations
- Foam Equipment & Systems
- Apparatus Testing
- Introduction to Aerial Fire Apparatus
- Positioning Aerial Apparatus
- Stabilizing Aerial Apparatus
- Aerial Apparatus Strategies & Tactics
General information about the course is provided below.
- This course is based on the content in the IFSTA manual Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition.
- The course meets or exceeds the requirements of the National Fire Protection AssociationŽ (NFPAŽ) professional qualifications standard 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, 2014 Edition. By completing all of the lessons, the student should be prepared for the Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator certification process.
- The course evaluation strategy includes a quiz and test for each chapter in the course. In addition, the course includes 53 skill sheets. Chapters 2-4, 7, 10-16, and 18-20 have skill sheets.
- A student exam prep is available from IFSTA which provides additional review of the course content. All the questions in the exam are multiple choice, similar to the questions used in certification exams. The exam prep is available in both a print version and an electronic version.
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