Course: AI-Assisted Grant Writing (IOPAIGW)

Participate in our comprehensive 8-hour workshop designed specifically for nonprofit professionals seeking to enhance their grant writing skills and organizational efficiency. This workshop focuses on the strategic integration of AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, to craft effective and personalized grant proposals. Our goal is to streamline the grant writing process, significantly improve your success rates, and thereby support your organization's growth and impact.

Throughout this course, we delve into the essential components of successful grant systems, offering a holistic approach that encompasses both the strategic alignment of your organization's mission with funder expectations and the art of storytelling through data. By turning quantitative data into compelling narratives and detailed budgets into visionary stories of future success, we aim to transform grant writing from a cumbersome task into a potent tool for securing necessary funding.

We place a strong emphasis on working smarter, not harder. To this end, we incorporate cutting-edge technology into your grant strategy, leveraging AI to customize proposals that resonate on a deeper level with funders. This innovative approach not only increases the efficiency of the grant writing process but also ensures your proposals stand out in a competitive funding landscape.

Key areas of focus include:

  • Transforming Grant Writing from Chore to Opportunity: We redefine the grant writing process, aiming for systemic mastery that integrates grant seeking into the fabric of thriving nonprofit operations.

  • Strategic Approach to Funding: Participants will learn how to navigate the grant ecosystem effectively, ensuring their organization's efforts are well-aligned with the priorities of potential funders.

  • Technology Integration for Tailored Proposals: Utilizing AI tools like ChatGPT, we'll demonstrate how to personalize your applications, making them more appealing to funders.

  • Empowering Through Knowledge: Beyond imparting practical grant writing skills, this course is designed to empower participants to become agents of change within their organizations, enhancing their capacity to fulfill their missions.

  • Emphasizing Community Impact: Success is measured not by the amount of funds raised alone but by the positive change these funds facilitate within communities, from expanding services to enhancing outreach and improving lives.

This workshop is not just about learning to write grants; it's about mastering a comprehensive system that leverages both technology and strategic insight to make grant writing an effective tool in your mission to create positive change. Join us to shake off the grant-writing blues and gear up for a future where securing grants is a regular part of your success story.

 Session: IOP125.AIGW

Schedule: Thursday, January 23rd from 1pm to 5pm and Friday, January 24 from 9am to 1pm
Times: Times Vary
IOP Course Fee : $599.00


Classes will be held in person on campus, classroom location TBD.


Name Additional Resources
Matt Leighty

Facility Detail

TBD - UR Campus
490 Westhampton Way
Richmond, VA 23173