Course Detail: PER665 - Ceramics: Stoneware Reduction-Fired Pottery

Discover a new hobby or improve on your current pottery skills!

This class will focus on making various stoneware pottery forms intended to be fired in the gas reduction kiln. Demonstrations and one-on-one instruction will be included. Participants will learn new glazing techniques as well as learn how to load and unload the kiln.

Who Should Attend?
These classes are designed for all skill levels. No prior ceramics experience needed.

* Students will need to supply the following: 1-gallon bucket, towel, apron, plastic bags, leather work gloves, safety glasses, and ear plugs.

This class will be offered in-person on Purdue Fort Wayne's campus. Please see current health and safety guidelines and requirements here: Purdue Fort Wayne Health & Safety Guidelines

Available Sessions - Click on date(s) below.