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Are your business processes stuck in the past? It's time to refresh and refresh often! If you're ready to evolve your organization's processes, skills, and tools - and make sure you're never left behind - this workshop is for you. You'll learn about the seven typical wastes in business processes and how to reduce them. You'll gain new skills and insights that you can put into practice immediately and with no added costs.

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Goals are scientifically proven to be one of the most effective motivators for success. Yet achieving goals eludes a vast majority of society. You will learn a proven goal planning process you can implement immediately and start achieving success on your terms.

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Change is constant, growth is not! This often used quote highlights the challenge leaders face in a constantly changing business environment. In this workshop, participants will understand the importance of not only seeing change as a physical issue, but as a psychological issue as well. Looking at change communications as a key element to successful change initiatives and how to craft effective messaging around change. Lastly, participants will explore the reasons why people resist change and what measures are most effective in various change situations.

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This course will provide an assessment test to determine which talents and traits make you unique. Knowing your five greatest strengths will help you perform better at work or help you find well suited employment. After your strengths are determined, you'll learn from a Strengths Coach on how to maximize your strengths and how to recognize and work with the strengths of others.

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Individuals, teams, and organizations win when leaders orchestrate the accomplishment of goals, deal effectively with changing times, confusing situations, communicate confidently and establish expectations for high performance. This session will highlight the importance of individual skills in communication, performance management, coaching, and flexible decision making as well as how they fit into the ultimate leadership outcome - teamwork.

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We'll introduce the interaction skills that enable you to communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers and, in the process, build trust, strengthen partnerships, and achieve desired results.

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Diversity isn't enough! Let's go beyond being invited to the party, it's time to join the dance floor. Learn to create an inclusive culture through this interactive workshop. Understand why inclusion is vital to creating an engaged workforce. By taking part, participants will be armed with knowledge, skills, and tactics to become change-makers in their respective organizations and kickstart the conversation around building a more inclusive culture.

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Effective communication is critical for success in any job, especially in leading others. As a leader, your ability to master effective communication skills will enable you to gain credibility with your team, help you to motivate others, and increase your influence. This course explores both organizational and personal communication. Participants will focus on oral communication, rather than written communication.

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This short course will review the current status of turnover with specific references to various industries, generational mindsets when it comes to career aspirations, and the various methods of calculating turnover for use as a key performance indicator. Participants will spend time reviewing turnover trends, the top 10 root-causes for turnover, and associated costs of turnover for various levels of the organizational chart.

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Work in the 21st Century has become more project-based. Every project is defined by scope, budget and time. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the many best practices to managing these three moving parts to every project and how they differ from process or product management. Each of the three elements of project management will be discussed at basic level to introduce participants to best practices that can used on current or future projects or simply used in the course of their day to day workflow.

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Trust is such a crucial element to building lasting relationships yet is often talked around or not at all by leaders. The level of trust followers have in their leaders is built on a foundation of the leader's skills, both hard and soft skills to the point that followers can comfortably rely on their leaders to do what they say they will do. Participants will learn strategies to foster a culture of trust within their teams.

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Ready to make a difference as a leader? Our leadership workshop will help you learn what effective leadership truly means in the modern world. We'll show you how to overcome common team challenges, promote equity and diversity, and much more.

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The contemporary workforce is distinctive, with five generations actively participating in business. Each generation has been shaped by unique circumstances, contributing to a wide range of attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. This workshop will provide valuable insights on how to align the multigenerational workforce with the organization's vision and strategy, offering constructive ideas to help achieve this goal.

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There is no such thing as eliminating conflict for as long as there are people, there is conflict. However, there are ways to manage conflict that are constructive and preserve the relationships involved. Participants will complete a short conflict management assessment during the workshop to provide them with additional insights into their own personal attitudes and behaviors relative to conflict.

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Mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD and Autism, can affect many employees in various sectors. To ensure that individuals can perform their job tasks, accommodations may need to be made, and employees should be able to have an open discussion with their employers and supervisors without fear of losing their jobs. The question is, how can we foster this openness at all levels? How can we eliminate biases surrounding these topics while still maintaining confidentiality? Furthermore, how do our biases prevent us from showing empathy, which may ultimately be replaced with judgment?

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Do you want to make decisions faster, more effectively and with fewer risks? The key to better decisions-making lies in how you approach and tackle problems. In this workshop, participants will learn how to recognize and address the difference between decision-making and problem-solving, with a special focus on leveraging their decision-making processes for successful problem navigation.

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Unlock the power of triangulation to enhance team dynamics and drive organizational success. This course delves into the principles of triangulation, providing organizations and team leaders with strategies to navigate complex interpersonal relationships, improve communication, and foster a collaborative work environment. Learn how to identify and resolve conflicts, align team goals, and create a culture of trust and efficiency. You'll gain practical skills to optimize team performance and elevate your organization's overall effectiveness.

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Have you ever wondered about the profound impact a mentor can have on someone's life? What qualities define a great mentor, and what should a mentee bring to the table? This Mentorship Workshop dives into the dynamic relationship between mentor and mentee, exploring the powerful journey of growth and collaboration.

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Certificate Programs

Take 6 courses and receive an Effective Leader Certificate