
Title: Certified Home Inspector Training Program - Illinois 

Course Fee: $2,895

Dates: October 19-27, 2024

Times: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an hour for lunch.

Course Description: Join us for a comprehensive 9-day course designed to prepare aspiring home inspectors for success in the field. This partnership with Heartland Education & Training Group (A Group of Instructors dedicated to Home Inspection & Real Estate Training), ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors), The ASHI School, and Governors State University offers a dynamic program leveraging the latest curriculum, which includes, hands-on training, practical experience, real property scenarios with 5 field events homes.


Led by experienced industry professionals, this course covers essential topics such as home inspection principles, techniques, and state regulations. 

October 19-27, 2024, Governors State University