Course Detail: WTPL400 - Basic Electricity for the Power Industry

This 90-hour course meets 7.5 hours a day for 12 days. As a result of this training students will be able to Discuss and define the basic electron theory, static electricity, electrical quantities, and the relationship between magnetism, volts, current flow, and resistance; define Direct and Alternating Currents, their respective applications, advantages and disadvantages, then calculate the values of DC and AC series, parallel and series/parallel circuits; demonstrate correct usage of several measuring instruments, determine proper conductor sizes and resistor types; discuss the components and functions of DC electric motors and generators; describe single- and three-phase AC Power, the different types of transformers, their connections, and their applications, and discuss the components, functions and applications of three-phase and single-phase alternators and motors.

Full-Time students select Session beginning March 5 - 25, 2025 Basic Electricity for the Power Industry

STIT Funding available if you are a Utah resident. Please click here to apply!

 Session Information: 25SP-WTPL400-01 (2 seats (8%) remaining)

Schedule: This is a Hybrid Course with online and in-person lab work runs from March 5, 2025 through March 25, 2025. Lab work will be 9am to 5pm on Monday through Friday at SLCC Miller Campus MCPC-120A. Please watch for communication in Canvas, from the program manager, and from the instructors for weekly specifics.
Only 19 days until the session starts!
Times: 09:00am-05:00pm MST
Cost : $1043.00


"This is the third course of the SLCC Lineworker Pre-Apprenticeship Program, and is intended for those who have already completed WTPL125-Orientation for Lineworker Pre-Apprenticeship Program, and WTPL175-Math for Pre-Apprenticeship Program. ** This is a 3-week Hybrid Course with online and in-person course work; students should plan to attend 90 hours of combined in-person and online coursework for this class. ** Students are responsible to ensure the instructor(s) mark them as present and participating to get credit for attendance.** Students are encouraged to bring a scientific calculator with graphing capability for use in the course. Many smartphone calculators have this functionality built-in, or there are several apps available from the App Store or Play Store as needed.**In-person classes will be held Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm at SLCC Miller Campus Miller Corporate Partnership Center Room 120A.** Students will be given a code redeemable for electronic access to Cengage MindTap and the digital version of Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity. Students will only be given a single access code, failure to correctly redeem the code or loss of the code will necessitate student purchase of MindTap Access from Cengage to participate in class."


Name Additional Resources
Justine Dvorchak-Rodriguez

Class Location

Miller Campus
Miller Campus - MCPC, 120A
9750 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 2 days of the start of this session.