Course Detail: WTGN010 - U.S. Genealogy Research I

This 45-hour course, is taught online for 5.6 hours over 8 weeks. As a result of this course students will be able to apply the genealogy research cycle; differentiate between derivative sources and primary sources and the repositories where they can be found; analyze historical and genealogical sources for their appropriate evidence; and record and present genealogical data according to current industry standard.

Follow the prompts on the yellow buttons to complete the registration process

Course Pre-requisites
Intro to High-Tech Genealogy

 Session Information: 24SU-WTGN010-01

Schedule: Course Dates: 5/21/24 to 7/19/24; DO NOT login to Canvas through MySLCC! The Canvas login is The course is 100% online, available every day, 24/7, and self-paced using Canvas. There are no required days or meeting times. Refer to Canvas and instructor's specified assignment due dates.
Only 20 days until the session starts!
Times: 12:00am-12:00am MDT
Cost : $425.00


US Gen Res I 010: Required Textbooks: The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy; 4th edition; by Val D. Greenwood; Genealogical Publishing Co; ISBN: 978-0-8063-2066-3. The Complete Beginner's Guide to Genealogy, the Internet, and Your Genealogy Computer Program. By Karen Clifford. Genealogical Publishing Co; ISBN: 978-0-8063-1875-2


Name Additional Resources
Julia Anderson
Mykel Severson

Class Location

SLCC Online
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Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 2 days of the start of this session.