Course Detail: WTAU130 - Complex Controls

This 24-hour course trains students how to use Allen-Bradley Studio 5000 & Factory Talk to create controls in PLC and HMI hardware. TAs a result of this course, students will be able to create PLC (programable logic controller) controls using Studio 5000 software, create HMI (human machine interface) controls using Factory Talk, create seal-in circuits in both the PLC & HMI, create circuits that use: AND-OR-NOT, timers, counters, arithmetic, and comparators, and demonstrate the ability to connect various peripheral devices to the PLC.

Click on the date you wish to attend and follow the prompts on the yellow buttons to complete the registration process.

 Session Information: 25SP-WTAU130-01

Schedule: This is a hybrid, asynchronous course. Online content can be accessed anytime on Canvas, and labs will be scheduled directly with the instructors Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm. This course must be completed by 12/31/2025
Times: 12:00am-01:00am MST
Cost : $250.00


Name Additional Resources
Zachary Ingrey

Class Location

SLCC Online
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Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 2 days of the start of this session.