Course Detail: WTHE403 - Human Development/Sexuality

This 30-hour course meets over an 8-week period for 3.5 hours per week. As a result of this training, students will be able to develop and implement lesson plans, identify the anatomy and physiology of the human body and explain the healthy function of the reproductive the system, and how to recognize unhealthy signs and symptoms, including the detection of common reproductive diseases and conditions; design a lesson plan and assessment on one or more sexual health topics; identify state law and how the curriculum is selected locally, and plan a lesson aligned to state law and core standards for reporting, seeking help, and stopping sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual assault, including rape. Include the impact of substance use on the ability to consent and perceive consent.

Click on the date you wish to attend and follow the prompts on the yellow buttons to complete the registration process.

STIT Funding available if you are a Utah resident. Please click here to apply!

 Session Information: 25SP-WTHE403-01

Schedule: Classes are fully online from March 17th to May 1st, 2025. Check dates for assignments.
Times: 12:00am-12:00pm MDT
Cost : $350.00


Classes are from March 17th to May 1st, 2025. Fully Online. Check dates for assignments.


Name Additional Resources
Molly Garfield
Silvia Araoz
Dee Harper

Class Location

SLCC Online
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Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 2 days of the start of this session.