Course detail: Advanced Topics in System Safety for Commercial Certification
Advanced System Safety will elevate students' safety process acumen by diving deeper into the safety process and introducing a small cradle to grave project to provide practical experience in using the safety process to help design and develop the proper set of documentation for compliance to requirements. Advanced topics that will be addressed in this training will include:
Learning Objectives
- A deeper understanding of how Functional Hazard Assessment should be used to drive safety strategies within a design along with a better understanding of the relationship between human factor and the functionality built into the design.
- Students will learn to manage undetectable failures both from a design mitigation aspect as well as how to create the proper inspection or test interval for compliance.
- Students will learn the proper way to set up mathematical modeling for compliance (Fault Tree Analysis) as well as what to review and how to find modeling flaws when reviewing documentation for compliance.
- Through a series of hands-on exercises, students will learn how the SAE ARP4761A and SAE ARP4754B processes can be effectively used together to support the development of safe systems for compliance.
Who Should Attend?
This training primarily targets aerospace companies developing aircraft and aeronautical technologies under the oversight of regulators. The training will benefit engineering teams associated with the design and the showing of compliance for a given design (aircraft, systems, or parts). Other segments of industry (such as space and autonomous vehicles) that do not have a strongly defined regulatory enforcement can also benefit from this training. It is recommended that you have taken the following course prior to taking this course:System Safety Assessment for Commercial Aircraft Certification.
Course Fees
Early registration fee: $2,595 if you register and pay by the early registration deadline (45 days prior to the first day of class).
Regular registration fee: $2,795 if you register and pay after the early registration deadline.
Course Materials
Course materials, including outlines, presentation copies, and supplementary materials, will be accessible through Canvas, KU's online learning system. Instructions to access Canvas will be provided upon completed registration. Students are required to bring a computer or other electronic device with PDF-viewing capabilities with them to class each day. If you require accommodation contact us at and we will work with you on an accessible solution.
Students enrolled in this class should acquire a copy of the standards listed below.
Standards may be purchased online at
U.S. Federal Employee Discount: This course is that you cannot register using our online system when requesting this available to U.S. federal employees at 10% off the registration fee. To receive the federal employee discount, you must enter the code FGVT116 during the checkout process. Please note that you must validate your eligibility to receive this discount by entering your U.S. government email address (ending in .gov or .mil) when creating your online registration profile. This discount is available for both the early registration and regular registration fees.
Canada Department of National Defence Discount
This course is available to Canada DND employees at 10% off the registration fee. Please contact the DND Procurement Authority (DAP 2-3) for details. Please note that you cannot register using our online system when requesting this discount. This discount is available for both the early registration and regular registration fees.
Certificate Track
This course is part of the Certificates of Specialization in Aerospace Compliance, Aircraft Maintenance and Safety, Avionics and Avionic Components and Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS).
Classroom hours / CEUs
31.5 classroom hours
3.15 CEUs
Course Accessibility
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in University of Kansas educational offerings. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in our Aerospace Short Courses, please email or call 785-864-6779 at least three weeks before the first day of the event.
Please note: If you are attending an Aerospace Short Course onsite at your place of employment, please contact your company's training coordinator for accommodation requests.
AERO0680 Course Information and Outline (PDF Document)