There are many classical music composers who have written just one work that is considered "great." This course features a number of composers who have written just one lasting classical composition that is still worth listening to today. We'll talk a bit about the composer and then listen to excerpts from the piece.
An Osher membership fee of $25 is required to enroll in this class. If you have not paid your membership fee, please click on the blue link below under "course accessibility" to add the membership fee to your shopping cart. Then continue shopping to select your courses and/or events.
Instructor Bio: Don Dagenais has been a preview speaker for the Lyric Opera for more than 20 years, and he teaches classical music and opera courses for local organizations. He enjoys studying American political history and has compiled an extensive collection of memorabilia from presidential political campaigns from 1840 to the present. He recently retired as a real estate attorney.
Course Accessibility: Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend University of Kansas sponsored events. If you require reasonable accommodations in order to participate in an event, please email or call 785-864-6779 at least three weeks before the first day of the event.