Course detail: Online Data Entry

This online overview will prepare training officers, department support personnel or other department employees to enter training data online, instead of submitting the information on paper. Kansas law requires each certified officer attend 40 hours of in-service training each fiscal year and then report that training to the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (KS-CPOST). 

Core Competencies
  • Participants will recognize valid in-service training, correctly calculate hour requirements for in-service training, and accurately enter data into the online database.
Who should take the course
  • Certified officers
  • Full-time officers
  • Employed officers

  • Self-paced online reading
  • Videos

Course Requirements
  • Complete a course exam with a score of 70% or better. 

 Session Information: LE25927O

Schedule: On the 1st day of every 12 months, starting on 07/01/24 and ending on 07/01/25
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm CDT
NO TUITION : $0.00

Facility Detail

Self-paced Online Training
Enroll and start at any time