Furies, Harpies, Gorgons, whores, and witches are among the monsters of mythology as well as Hecate, Kali, Tiamat, and Cailleah. Today we know them as women or deities intent on doing some sort of harm that in some cases includes seduction. However, this was not originally so. This course explores how these versions of the Divine Feminine were demonized over time once patriarchal cultures invaded the areas in which they were worshipped.
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Instructor Bio: An educator for over 30 years, Shari Tarbet holds an MA/ PhD in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, and a BSE English/History Education, and BSJ Broadcast Journalism from Kansas University. Her writings and lectures cover a wide variety of topics on myth, dreamwork, the Bill of Rights, and the Sacred Feminine.
Course accessibility: Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend University of Kansas sponsored events. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in an event, please emailjayhawkglobal@ku.edu or call 785-864-6779at least four weeks before the first day of the event.